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We Take Care Of Domestic Waste Removals In Lincolnshire

Dreading driving back and forth to your local landfill?

Whatever type of domestic waste you need removing, WJFJ Limited is fast, ethical and reliable. We will recycle as many items as possible, so our services in Lincolnshire also ease your conscience! 

We always treat waste in the greenest way possible. 

Every year, households all over the world dump 2.12 billion tonnes of waste, which is the equivalent of lining up waste trucks going around the earth 24 times. Often items end up dumped in landfills in poorer countries (this is what’s known as the ‘global waste trade’), a shameful practice that makes life harder for third world countries. 

With our domestic waste removals in Lincolnshire, you’ll have a team that are as environmentally-friendly as possible. We never practise fly tipping but instead items to resellers, charities or elsewhere for use as recycled materials. The landfill is always a last resort.

Have items of significant value that need a new home?

On many occasions WJFJ Limited can deduct them from the cost or buy them. The items we collect from your property will be recycled as much as possible and never fly tipped. We do this via various methods including sending items to resellers, charities or for use as recycled material.

Find out more about our domestic waste removals in Lincolnshire

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